Showreel 2014(updated)
25 November 2010
Showreel 2010
20 November 2010
very first time facial animation test
This is my first time doing lip sync, have no idea how to do it properly, I just did as I felt like it ;)
rig is from book CD 'stop staring'.
sound file is from 11 sec club, Nov. contest file.
time taken: 6 hours.
27 October 2010
Byebye Honors study, Hello animation
The project turned out really nice. If you are interested in 3D character animation, you can go and visit my website.
Next, I am thinking learning driving and playing piano and my beloved guitar during the break. The online animation class starts next year, I look forward to it. :)
10 October 2010
Honors Research Study
Hello everyone, this is Wen, this page is for my Honors research study.
The research study related to many different areas such as acting, animation principles, emotions, body language and 3D animation.
My primary focus is to use the combination of acting techniques and animation principles in 3D animation to convey character’s emotions. The animation use only body movements to convey emotions.
Before you watch animation, take a look at some notes for it.
The animation tests follow the the following order:
1. Animation without acting techniques and animation principles.
(basic animation)
2. Animation without acting techniques but with animation principles.
(technical centric animation)
3. Animation with acting techniques but without animation principles.
(performance centric animation)
4. Animation with acting techniques and animation principles.
(advanced animation)
Rules are based on the following 2x2 matrix:
Emotion one: Happy
Notes: Happy animation tests are partially under the consideration of 2x2 matrix. For instance, there was no character development and action analysis for this set of animation tests. In order to demonstrate the purpose here, I shall use the table.
Background story:
A girl who won the first price in a game. This animation is the moment where she walks to the podium.
1. Basic animation.
It contains no timing, no clear poses, no sign of animation principles such as overlapping, squash & stretch. Acting wise, the excitement need to be more exaggerated. Action seems boring and lifeless.
2. Technical centric animation.
Better timing, improved overlapping, no slips on her feet.
3. Performance centric animation.
Bad timing, no overlapping, unclear posing, very snappy actions.
Acting wise, she shows more excitement. Double bounce walk nicely demonstrate the happiness.
Note: At the point where I created the animation, I only had mental notes on acting, there was no character developed or action analyzed during the process.
4. Advanced animation.
better timing, obvious overlapping action on her entire body, specially arms.
Acting wise: because of the lack of character development and action analysis, even the animation appears to be more interesting and dynamic, the actions do not make sense. it seems very random actions.
Emotion two: Anger
Background story:
1. Basic animation.
It contains no timing, no clear poses, no sign of animation principles such as overlapping, squash & stretch.
Acting wise, he is more violent rather than being angry. Base on the character’s personality, he is the type of person who has a soft heart, even he is angry, he would not do such thing.
2. Technical centric animation.
3. Performance centric animation.
Bad timing, no overlapping on arms, very even actions.
Acting wise, he fits into the character, not so violent but still show a sense of anger.
4. Advanced animation.
Emotion Three: Sad
Background story:
1. Basic animation.
no timing, unclear poses, no sign of animation principles such as overlapping, squash & stretch.
Acting wise, she does not fit into the character, there is no enough exaggeration in actions. At the end, the action contain an emotion other than sadness, which is disappointment. It is confusing.
2. Technical centric animation.
3. Performance centric animation.
Bad timing, no overlapping on arms, very even actions.
Acting wise, she fits into the character very well, base on the character development, she is a very exaggerated person, over react to anything. Through the animation, she only shows her sadness.
4. Advanced animation.
More obvious overlapping actions through her entire body at the beginning. Clearer dragging on her feet, it shows a sense of weight and tiredness. Actions happen in order.
Squash and stretch displayed on her body when she sits down.
24 August 2010
Taking a break
Ok a little brief about my project, it is about exploring some acting techniques and animation principles to create some animation clips, each clips contain different emotions. So the idea is to convey those emotions by utilizing those techniques and principles.
06 June 2010
18 April 2010
Class 3 week 3 refining
15 April 2010
Class 3!!!!
This is Week 2 assignment
21 March 2010
17 March 2010
animation group on FB
15 March 2010
Animation Mentor class 2 Week 10
07 March 2010
Week 9 Dancing re-blocking
12 January 2010
Back from AM term break
For last week assignment, we had to shot a reference video of an action choice from a pick list, well I picked the one which the character from stopped position then make one big step forward then settle. its fun, I wanted to stick to K.I.S.S principles, and make things easier then tweak the final animation at the end.
here is the video I came up with, I chose the #6. and maybe combine with #4.