Showreel 2014(updated)

24 July 2012

RIP Garfieldy

A while back, you passed away. But your spirit and memory will retain on earth.

I remember the first time I saw you, you didn't run away, instead, you came to me, leaned against me, touched me with your tail. You also purred, that was just so cute.

I am a typical dog lover, I used to have cats, but for some reasons they didn't like me, they either ran away or ignored me. I felt generally distant from cats. But you changed my view for cats. They can be fun and lovable as long as you are with the right person. And, yes I AM the right person, I felt so happy. So that made you the first cat who loved me.

They say you would ran away when strangers came, but it was a miracle to see you like this, to me. I also remembered when I was going to leave, you appeared from nowhere and started follow me around. Couldn't take my hands off you when something like that happens.

RIP Garfieldy.

13 May 2012

animation contest

Hey hey everyone, I am glad to announce that I won the 3rd place for the Animation rigs annual animation contest for 2012.

Also please check out the polished horse running cycle. :)

05 May 2012

IBL test

Recently, I found out that IBL(image based lighting) is really time efficient in terms of lighting a scene.
The following render test took about 7 seconds to render on my machine.

I am really happy about the result. May use this method on my next projects. :D

ps: the upside down superman logo I did on purpose.

15 April 2012

The idea of 'The Muybridge Project'

Hi everyone, recently I came across an idea of 'recreating' Eadweard Muybridge's Locomotion, in 3D, which I call it 'The Muybridge Project'.

Ok, the idea behind this project is to create 3D animation cycles base on Muybridge's locomotion plates. There are three volumes in Muybridge's Complete Human and Animal Locomotion series, and I am going to mainly focus on volume III - animals' locomotion.

The reason for that is because for the first two volumes, the focus of locomotion is human. For animators who need references, they can do pretty much everything that the books illustrate. Whereas for animal locomotion, it is quite a challenge to find valuable references.

My ultimate goal for this project is that each week I will pick one plate from volume III, analyse the motion and create a 3D animation.

Additionally, a purpose of doing this is for me to better understand animal body mechanics in a way to improve my animation skills as well as educate others.

22 March 2012

Animation Contest - 11secondclub March 2012

Hey guys, this is my first time entering animation contest for 11secondclub. Thanks for watching!

for more info on this contest, please refer to

19 March 2012

Some piano songs

Hi everyone, a part from playing my awesome guitar, I also play piano, oh yup.

Here are some songs I really enjoy playing.

26 February 2012

Back to business

I just came back from holidays. Now my energy is fully charged up.

It's time to do some serious stuff! :D

Some awesome stuff is coming soon... so keep your eyes out...