Showreel 2014(updated)

25 October 2009

Week 4

Hi everyone, this is week 4, and I'm in a trip with my parents to Cairns, Australia.
but I will constantly update my blog, video assignment will be uploaded later. just save the slot.
here is the planning.

here is the assignment for week 4

Animation Mentor Week 4 from Nothing Sweet Animation on Vimeo.

13 October 2009

week 3 bouncing ball + excitement pose

Hi there, I just made a bouncing ball. Critiques are welcome.

week 3 bouncing ball from Nothing Sweet Animation on Vimeo.

the theme of the pose for this week is excitement, here we go:

11 October 2009

Week 2 pose-revised!

Ok this revised version looks a lot better than the previous one. I CAN FEEL IT! lol

Couple of notes here, I was asked to bring the toe up a bit on Stu's left foot. Well at the end I didn't do it because for the reality, soccer players (runners too) want to be sure to grab the ground firmly by their feet. So that's why I think bringing up the toes isn't a good idea to represent the sense of action, even tho it might help for the silhouette .

some little adjustments based on the feedback I got. (toes up now!) :D


10 October 2009

Week 2 assignment

Here is the 3D poses I have done for the assignment, I also received some critiques, so I'll try them out. Well, this is just my version. haven't revised yet.

07 October 2009

sketchy week 2

Here are some sketches I did during the day, quite enjoyed it, but my drawings suck, well stick figures are pretty enough for me :D
Location: Macus
critiques are welcome.

06 October 2009


ahh, this is week 2 now, I am getting some work to do for this week. observing people and sketching them are the main archive for this week, going out later on with my sketching book. I reckon it would be fun to watch other people and then quickly jot down the poses.

Mean while, I'm slowly adding my classmates into my buddies list. There are some cool guys and girls in my class, most of them have animation skills, and I am sure I will have a lot to learn from them and AM for sure too ;)

Next goal is to memorise the 12 animation principles,for the future reference when animating.
Principles are important, hmm that's what I learned from the lecture.